What if we eliminated the top diseases of older adults?
Goodbye Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Influenza and
Pneumonia, and chronic obstructive lung disease. Will we then live forever, as
some have suggested?
The surprising answer is that curing all of these diseases
will result in very little change in additional life. Of course, we can only do
this statistically.
Kenneth Manton and his colleagues from Duke University eliminated
one disease at a time in their statistical modeling. What they found is that if
we eliminate all of these killer diseases overall we expect to see those over
87 years of age to live an addition 5.7 years for males (estimated for 1987)
and 6.5 years for females. This is about the same improvement in life
expectancy at 65 in the last 100 years in the USA (5.7 years.) If you are 65
years old today, you have a 50/50 chance of living an additional 5.7 years than
if you were living in the 1900s. In the last hundred years, the great
improvement in life expectancy is not amongst older adults, but among newborns
and infants and have very little to do with clinical care at later ages.
However, this is not the end of the story.
Most older adults suffer from not just one, but multiple
health conditions. So if we assume that we can cure one disease, say cancer, we
will still be faced—sooner rather than later—with another disabling disease
that might kill us slower. And this is what happens.
Douglas G. Manuel with
the Institute for Clinical
Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, Canada, and his colleagues
calculated what happens when they eliminated specific killer diseases from their
data. They reported that by eliminating cancer they predicted that one fifth of
the years of life gained would be spent in poor health—and increased cost. On
the other hand, eliminating musculoskeletal conditions, would result in a year
of good health for women and under half a year for men. And that is what we are
finding across the world.
As life expectancy has increased, the number of healthy years
lost to disability has also increased in most countries. Joshua Salomon from
the Harvard School of Public Health and his colleagues found that although most
countries have made substantial progress in reducing mortality over the past
two decades, non-fatal disease and injury have not improved to the same degree.
Our progress
in health outcomes is also slowing down in the US, especially diseases
that we can control and especially for women. Nearly 20 years ago, the United
States was closer to the middle of other industrialized countries, but
countries like Ireland and South Korea improved sharply, leaving the United
States behind.
In addition, across all industrialized countries, because we
are living longer and living with diseases, the occurrence of chronic diseases
has increased. Finding a cure should be matched with finding care. Our reliance
on medical breakthroughs at the cost of statistical outcomes ignores the
immediate need that we face. We need to think about finding care as much as
finding a cure.
© USA Copyrighted 2014 Mario D. Garrett